Applicative objects of readymades, hand sewing, filler. 2016-2017

The form of peoples’ coexistence called state presupposes the existence of borders, while international contacts always question the current state of these borders in one form or another. Borders changed, change and will continue to do so. It’s inevitable and unpredictable. The grounds for a new demarcation can be found at all times, but there are those for whom it becomes an economic or personal tragedy. The atelier of historical borders ignores the destinies of nations, moreover – the feelings of families or just friends who find themselves on opposite sides of the new borders.
Montenegro, the country that appeared on the map not so long ago, provided material for the project on new borders and new fragmentation. Some rags made of the pieces of garments were bought at a local construction market. These garments could not be repaired because the pieces had been mixed up and cut by an unknown hand, and then packaged in different batches. We do not know the principles for these manipulations, nor exactly where this happened, as well as the very origin of the clothes remains uncertain.  The impartial and anonymous scissors disconnected that which was once whole and meaningful and gave it a new reality, a new purpose and a new form of existence. The sculptures created by joining of these ready-made fragments based on the principle of non-interference in casual cuts, are like communities of people who have fallen under the blade of the history scissors ¬– in terms of time and geographically. Connecting along the existing lines, these objects actually create themselves. Their forms are dictated by the shape of the material, rather than by the sculptor’s design. The artist’s work resembles the making of surgical sutures. The artistic medium selected for reflection is sewing, historically a feminine craft, which emphasizes individualistic female perspective on the global historical processes. We are talking about the fate of individuals here. At the same time, these abstract sculptures are a metaphor for multinational states. Clearly, individual pieces of garment, deformed or incomplete, are fragments of human societies that have some missing parts, which, according to the project’s logic, should exist as part of some other similar object.



Odessa biennale of contemporary art

Jugooceanje 2017, DAC, Kotor, Montenegro
curator – Yuriy Shabelnikov

Embracing the neighborhood, DAC, Kotor, Montenegro
curator – Alexander Zhuravlev


“Kotorый” exhibition of DAC Summer School, two installations. Kotor, Montenegro.
curator – Petar Ćuković

Young artists exhibition, tram depot, ARTBATFEST2016, Almaty, Kazakhstan
curator – Yuliya Sorokina